Taking and Sharing Photos of our Great Junior Players!
8 Apr 2024 by Cameron Tout
One of the great parts of watching the kids play sport is getting photos that capture the moment, whether warming up, on the ground or celebrating afterwards. Every week there is an array of cameras snapping away and capturing these moments.
This Stack Team App has a Gallery Section that hasn’t seen as much use as it could do. I encourage all the Teams to create a section of the Gallery page for their team and share the photos taken of the kids so that these memories are not lost between team mates, families and the Club!
There are guidelines for taking photographs of children in the Document section of the app and attached here for ease of reference. However, as bare as these guidelines are, taking photos of kids does have the potential to cause Child Safety concerns. I refer to the Child Safety Policies on the Club website for more information. But in short, photographs should be of the kids playing the game or celebrating and never taken in private.
Sharing photos in the Team App is semi-private in that it is restricted to players and family members that have been approved to have access. However, if any parent is concerned or would prefer that photographs of their child are not shared, please let me know at jnradmin@spotswoodfc.com.au.
Finally, I’d love to use some photos to promote our Club on social media or in posters. We don’t have forms to opt in or out of accepting this use. Please contact me at the email address above if you would prefer that a photo of your child is not used for this purpose.
I hope greater awareness of the ability to share photos sees some great footy and netball moments captured and enjoyed throughout the Club!
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